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Technology Maker Kits

Tinker with Technology

Feel like learning about sound waves, conducting electricity, or working with some circuits? 

Grab a technology kit that suits your interests and challenge yourself to solve some technology-specific problems!

BOSE Build Headphones

Explore the world of sound while building your own bluetooth headphones

Build your BOSE headphones using these instructional diagrams

Check out some of the neat audio tricks you can do when building your BOSE headphones

Learn all about sound waves with this neat, interactive website

Check out some videos to learn more about the science behind sound

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Scribble Bot

Build and wire up your own 'robot' that'll draw on paper for you

Use this video tutorial to build your own scribble bot

Use these visual diagrams to help you build out your own scribble bot

Check out a different scribble bot creation process that you can follow

Experiment with lighter bot creation materials in order for your scribble bot to leave behind different artwork

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Learn how to build your own circuits by creating your own light-up sculptures

Check out some neat video tutorials for different squishy circuit designs

Learn about the science behind circuits

Explore the science behind using Play Dough to make circuits

Experiment and learn about circuitry using this virtual circuit simulator 

Squishy Circuits

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